Hances Point Yacht Club Holiday Gathering
Sunday December 19th beginning at 1 PM
Come celebrate the season at HPYC with friends, family and guests. This will be a casual potluck party, please bring a favorite appetizer, hot dish, or dessert.
Our "Pirate Rules" White Elephant Gift Swap and Steal will begin at 2pm. All are welcome to join the scrum, participants should bring a gift wrapped item for the pile of presents.
We'll also gather donations of warm winter coats, gloves and blankets to
be distributed to children in need in Cecil County. New unwrapped items for toddlers and older children are needed. Our donation will be anonymous and probably appreciated beyond the holiday season and through the cold winter months.
39 Weaver Road, North East, MD 21901
PO Box 740, North East, MD 21901
39°33'51.0"N 75°57'37.8"W